Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Remembering Connor & bummed out!

Well today has been a bit of a SAD day for us. Today is/would have been our little angels due date. I'm missing her lots, but I do know that she is in a better place, though how I wish she was with us.
angel baby Pictures, Images and Photos
Also wondering when will we be blessed to have another baby.. speaking of TTCing. Looks like this is going to be a longer journey than first thought. We got the results back from the second blood test, and sadly its showing that i didnt ovulate. When I got the results, I was very upset, ready just to break down and cry. After a day to think things over and speaking with my WB gals, I'm taking it one day at a time, and seeing how things turn out. If i don't see AF by Friday i'll probably test though I'm sure it will be pointless as the tests are saying i didnt ovulate.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Friday to you all!

Well, my temps have stayed all above coverline which I do hope is good news, I called my docs office today and questioned if it was possible to have a late ovulation they said possibly and told me to go for more blood work, so I'll be off this afternoon to do that. a few of my online friends got BFPs today so I'm very happy for all of them and hoping that I'll be joining them. The next 7 days is going to go sooooo slow!!!!!

As for my weekend plans, seeing as its supposed to be so nice I'd love to be doing something outside, but My hubby is in a pool playoffs and I love cheering him on so I'm sure we will be spending most of it in doors which sucks but it will be ok....

Wishing my nephew a very Happy 4th Birthday too!

Have a great weekend!!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Well I hate to start things off like this, but I went for the bloodwork last Thursday and the tech told me that it would take 2 business days to get the results, well i was off on Monday afternoon so I thought I would call the docs office and see if the results were in & they were and disappointly they told me I didnt ovulate, but I chart/use Fertility Friend and they showed/detected that i ovulated on Friday, so the girls i chat with on a regular basis Weddingbellers/babybellers say that I'm not out of the race yet until AF shows up. Well my temps have stayed above coverline, so I'm excited about that. It shows me at 5dpo today so fingers crossed that it stays high and I can test if AF stays away, test date from Fertility friend is set for April 25/09. So fingers crossed for high temps!!!

Talk to you soon


Sunday, April 5, 2009


Well we are waiting for fertility friend to detect ovulation hopefully soon I'l;l see those wonderful line then hopefully soon followed with a BFP. Not much new here. I was checking that if we are successful this round of clomid or EDD would be right around Christmas day, What a gift that would be. Well my fingers are crossed extra tight & I do hope you have your crossed for me too.

~ Chelle ~
